1 My WeekendsI h***e happy weekends.I am busy with my lessons during weekdays,so I usually do something at the weekend to relax myselve.Sometimes I go shopping with my mother.I buy something to eat and some school things.Sometimes I go to the park to h***e fun with my clas***ates.We often dance and play games there.And I also play chess at home with my father from time to time.I often beat my father in the game.Moreover,I go back to school to do some exercises,such as running and playing football together with my clas***ates.
Hello.Hello, CEO. I'm Mary. I am writing this letter to give you a piece of advice: Don't be too verbose.
对于学校的作业建议可以有以下几点。The first is about giving different homework to different students. The second is about limiting the homework time.
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